Teaching Research of Material Mechanics Aimed at Stimulating Vocational College Students’ Interest Based on Simulation Technology
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Material Mechanics
Vocational education
Simulation technology
Teaching research
Interest in learning



Submitted : 2022-03-23
Accepted : 2022-04-07
Published : 2022-04-22


Material Mechanics is an important course for science and engineering students in higher vocational colleges. However, its unfavorable teaching quality has been a problem for a long time. One of the key factors affecting the teaching effect is the students’ lack of interest in learning. In order to solve this problem, this paper analyzes the common problems in the teaching of Material Mechanics and applies simulation technology to classroom teaching. The results revealed that with the application of simulation technology, abstract concepts can be displayed visually and vividly, thus making it easier for students to understand. In addition, Mises stress nephograms and animations significantly improve students’ learning interest. The teaching method expounded in this paper should be applied to more courses in vocational education.


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