Research on the Reality and Path of Resource-Based Enterprises’ Digital Transformation
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Resource-based enterprises
Digital transformation
Big data analysis
Business model innovation
Information network management



Submitted : 2022-03-23
Accepted : 2022-04-07
Published : 2022-04-22


With the rapid development of information and communication technology, big data, cloud computing, and other digital technologies have become the impetus for the transformation of resource-based enterprises. The digital transformation of resource-based enterprises mainly involves business process reengineering and business model innovation. At present, there are several problems, such as traditional ideas that are difficult to change, insufficient online participation, inconsistent data standardization, insecure database, and shortage of talents. Based on the case study of large coal mining enterprises in Ordos and the mechanism analysis from strategic planning, operation management, and marketing, this study puts forward three paths, which are information network management, process intelligence management, and service platform management. Finally, the study points out that data mining, marketing strategy, data standards, data security, and team construction should be improved.


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