The Construction of Innovative Thinking in Chemical Engineering Experiments
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Laboratory teaching in chemical engineering
Innovative thinking
Practical ability
Educational reform



Submitted : 2025-01-29
Accepted : 2025-02-13
Published : 2025-02-28


Experimental teaching in chemical engineering is crucial in cultivating students’ innovative thinking and practical ability. However, traditional teaching methods face issues such as mainly focusing on verification experiments, insufficient integration of cutting-edge technologies, and lack of teamwork. This paper proposes a series of strategies to address these challenges, including optimizing experimental content, adopting diversified teaching methods, creating an open learning environment, strengthening industry connections, establishing an effective feedback and evaluation mechanism, and cultivating laboratory culture. By integrating cutting-edge technology into experiments, introducing teaching methods such as project-based learning and flipped classrooms, and creating a laboratory atmosphere that encourages questioning, exploration, and collaboration, students’ innovative thinking and practical ability can be stimulated, laying the foundation for their success in the ever-changing chemical industry.


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