Research on the Impact of Certification-Related Reforms on Students’ Abilities Based on the Regression Discontinuity Design
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Education reform
Breakpoint regression design
Professional certification



Submitted : 2024-12-16
Accepted : 2024-12-31
Published : 2025-01-15


Based on the survey data of international economics and trade majors in Guangzhou City University of Technology, this paper uses regression discontinuity design (RDD) to select indicators such as teamwork, business knowledge, analysis and technology to conduct a comprehensive survey on IACBE certification and a series of teaching reforms. According to the research, professional certification and a series of teaching reforms have a significant impact on the effect of students’ practice. In the future, attention should be paid to teaching team building, students’ teamwork ability and the application of new technology to make higher education better adapt to the changing business needs.


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