Research and Practice on Hybrid Teaching of "Digital Advertising Design"
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Blended learning
Digital advertising design
Teaching reform



Submitted : 2024-12-03
Accepted : 2024-12-18
Published : 2025-01-02


This paper uses the “Digital Advertising Design” course as an example to explore the implementation of blended learning in the context of “Internet + Education.” The shift from passive to active learning by students, from traditional classroom teaching to a combination of online and offline teaching, and from a focus on knowledge and skills education to an emphasis on process and method training, has reshaped the teaching model, improved teaching materials, and reformed teaching methods. Through teaching reforms, this model can be applied to other core courses in the same major and even extended to the construction of courses within the design discipline cluster, achieving a comprehensive construction and exemplary leading effect from a single point to a wider range.


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