Currently, cultivating students’ core subject literacy has become an important direction of high school education reform and the main teaching goal of various subjects in high school. As a subject of the college entrance examination and a highly practical high school subject, high school mathematics teachers should also keep up with the advancement to optimize classroom teaching activities, adjust teaching strategies, and cultivate students to form good core mathematical literacy. This article will explore the importance of high school mathematics teaching from the perspective of core literacy, and propose optimization teaching strategies, in order to provide corresponding references for high school mathematics teaching reformation.
Zhao S, 2023, Exploration of the Connotation and Cultivation Measures of High School Mathematics Core Literacy. Science Enthusiasts, 2023(6): 16–18.
Yan Z, 2023, Analysis of Strategies for Building Efficient High School Mathematics Classrooms under Core Literacy. Basic Education Forum, 2023(23): 98–99.
Hao B, 2023, Exploration of High School Mathematics Classroom Teaching Based on Core Literacy Cultivation. Mathematics Teaching Communication, 2023(33): 60–62.
Wei M, 2023, Teaching Strategies for Cultivating Core Literacy in High School Mathematics under the Background of the New College Entrance Examination. Mathematics and Physics World (High School Edition), 2023(21): 88–90.
Bai Z, 2023, Research on Situational Teaching Strategies for High School Mathematics under Core Literacy. Academic Weekly, 2023(32): 73–75.
Wu X, 2023, Exploration of High School Mathematics Teaching Strategies Based on Subject Core Literacy. Mathematics and Physics World (High School Edition), 2023(19): 89–91.
Cheng R, 2023, Exploration of the Embodiment of Core Literacy Concepts in High School Mathematics Teaching. Mathematical and Physical Universe (High School Edition), 2023(19): 92–94.
Chen L, 2023, Application of Core Literacy Concepts in High School Mathematics Teaching. Asia Pacific Education, 2023(19): 84–87.
Zhu X, 2032, Exploration of the Cultivation Path of Core Competencies in High School Mathematics Teaching under the Background of the New College Entrance Examination. New Wisdom, 2023(26): 72–74.
Xu Q, 2023, Exploration of Practical Strategies in High School Mathematics Teaching from the Perspective of Core Literacy. Tiantian Love Science (Frontiers of Education), 2023(9): 78–80.
Chen S, 2023, Teaching Design of High School Mathematics under Subject Core Literacy: Taking the Concept of Trigonometric Functions as an Example. Mathematical and Physical Tiandi (High School Edition), 2023(17): 89–91.
Wu L, 2023, Research on High School Mathematics Teaching Focusing on Advancing Subject Core Literacy. Mathematical, Physical, and Chemical Problem-solving Research, 2023(24): 26–28.
Zhang G, 2023, Analysis of Penetration Strategies for Core Competencies in High School Mathematics Teaching. Mathematics Learning and Research, 2023(24): 89–91.
Deng Y, 2023, Research on Strategies for Cultivating High School Mathematics Core Literacy Based on the Essence of Mathematics. Test Questions and Research, 2023(23): 86–88.
Zhang H, Jiang X, 2023, Analysis of Senior High School Mathematics Teaching under the Core Quality of “Internet Plus.” China New Communications, 25(15): 185–187.