Code-switching is a complex phenomenon that varies in structure, semantics, and pragmatics in different communicative situations. The study aims to identify structural, semantic, and pragmatic characteristics of code-switching in the speech of Russian schoolchildren and University students learning English and German as foreign languages. The data are 157 utterances containing 165 code switches extracted from the oral spontaneous speech of 16 schoolchildren and 16 University students. Their bilingual speech samples were collected by means of non-participant observation and fixed with the help of a voice recorder for 32 hours (16 for schoolchildren and 16 for University students) from October to December 2021. Comparative analysis was used as the main method to interpret the features of schoolchildren’ and University students’ code-switching. The results of the research demonstrated that the most productive for schoolchildren were insertions proper and bare forms performing message-oriented pragmatic functions and intended to denote school objects associated with English classes. For University students most frequent structures were classical switches in the form of insertions properly performing message-oriented pragmatic functions. Semantically, code-switches among University students were more complicated since they were intended not only to denote specific University objects but also to express stylistically relevant shades of meaning. Though code-switching has already been studied within various frameworks, the correlation between structural, pragmatic, and semantic characteristics of code-switching in the speech of Russian-speaking school and University students has been under-researched, which provides originality of the present work.
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