Enhancing Picture Book Reading for EFL Young Learners
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Early literacy
EFL young learners
Picture book
Reading strategies



Submitted : 2024-02-07
Accepted : 2024-02-22
Published : 2024-03-08


The rapid development of globalization is increasingly attaching significance to English usage and enlightenment worldwide. Following the law of language learning, more and more countries are making efforts to help their citizens become literate in English since early years. Picture books have played a crucial part in developing children’s emergent literacy skills. They provide children with fascinating illustrations, advancement in vocabularies, and meaningful sentence structures that go beyond the present contexts. However, picture book reading can be difficult for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) young learners due to the lack of English-speaking environment and language accumulation. With regard to this situation, this article analyzes and discusses the common debates on the print concept, phonological awareness, and vocabularies within an EFL early picture book reading setting to shed light on the practical direction in this field. Following this, this article coins relevant supporting strategies to ensure effective English picture book reading among children by developing supplementary activities, encouraging parent-child interaction, and applying multimedia materials. This article ends with a brief conclusion and questions that may need further exploration and research.


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