Financial Risk Evaluation System in the Context of Great Intelligence Movement Cloud: A Hierarchical Analysis Approach
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Wisdom cloud
Financial risk
Financial risk evaluation



Submitted : 2024-11-23
Accepted : 2024-12-08
Published : 2024-12-23


This paper examines the financial risk evaluation system in the context of the “Great Intelligence Movement Cloud” and employs the hierarchical analysis method as the primary research tool. With the rapid advancement of “Great Intelligence Movement Cloud” technology, enterprise financial risks have expanded from the offline domain to the information domain, encompassing a broader scope and more diverse channels. The traditional approach to risk identification, relying solely on single financial indicators, no longer meets current demands. Therefore, it is essential to integrate a non-financial early warning indicator system and adopt a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. Hierarchical analysis enables the decomposition of complex problems into multiple components and organizes them into a hierarchical structure based on their relationships, facilitating a more accurate assessment of financial risk. This study seeks to establish a comprehensive financial risk evaluation system suited to the “Great Intelligence Movement Cloud” context, offering enterprises more precise risk assessments to better address financial risks and achieve steady development.


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