Consumer Psychology in the Digital Age: How Online Environments Shape Purchasing Habits
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Digital age
Consumer psychology
Online shopping
Purchasing habits
Privacy protection
Personalized recommendation



Submitted : 2024-09-23
Accepted : 2024-10-08
Published : 2024-10-23


The advent of the digital age has profoundly changed consumers’ mindsets and habits. The rapid development of e-commerce and the widespread use of mobile applications have created enormous demand for individual recommendation systems based on mass data. This system not only increases the convenience of purchases and conversions but also alters the purchasing behavior of consumers, leading them to make choices subconsciously. Potential risks associated with large-scale data sharing and usage have heightened consumer concerns regarding privacy, thereby weakening the foundational trust in platforms and deterring them from shopping. Additionally, the rapid growth of e-commerce in the digital age, coupled with changing market circumstances, has intensified psychological pressure on consumers, making their decision-making processes more complex and difficult. Furthermore, the program will explore issues related to improving customer experience, developing individual marketing strategies, and designing customer loyalty plans. It will also address questions of privacy in a digital environment, the dilemmas of excessive or disruptive consumption behavior, and the complexity and diversity of consumer behavior in the face of digital change. The objective of this study is to develop a fear study that will enable a better understanding of the impact of online shopping on consumer behavior and provide a strategic guide for retailers to meet the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age.


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