A Lane Change Model Considering the Stability of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Platoon Fleet
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Cooperative adaptive cruise control platoon
Lane change models
Traffic flow



Submitted : 2024-09-23
Accepted : 2024-10-08
Published : 2024-10-23


In this article, lane change models for mixed traffic flow under cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) platoon formation are established. The analysis begins by examining the impact of lane changes on traffic flow stability. The influences of various factors such as lane change locations, timing, and the current traffic state on stability are discussed. In this analysis, it is assumed that the lane change location and the entry position in the adjacent lane have already been selected, without considering the specific intention behind the lane change. The speeds of the involved vehicles are adjusted based on an existing lane change model, and various conditions are analyzed for traffic flow disturbances, including duration, shock amplitude, and driving delays. Numerical calculations are provided to illustrate these effects. Additionally, traffic flow stability is factored into the lane change decision-making process. By incorporating disturbances to the fleet into the lane change income model, both a lane change intention model and a lane change execution model are constructed. These models are then compared with a model that does not account for stability, leading to the corresponding conclusions.


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