The lodging and restaurant services sector in the city of Pereira presents complex situations generated by the turbulence of the new business game. Companies that survive the new challenges and those recently established require strategies that allow them to extend their life expectancy. Therefore, the study aims to identify how to apply resilience and management disciplines in a tool that allows companies in the sector under study to sufficiently face situations of high complexity. Achieving this objective requires knowing the causes of the short life span of many companies, identifying how surviving companies articulate management disciplines with their strategic objectives, and analyzing the possibility of formulating an organizational model based on resilience as a value. The methodology applied was mixed. The sample was simply random; 23 companies were analyzed through structured interviews and participant observation. As the most significant results: the deficient application of management disciplines was identified as an important cause of company closures; the level of acceptance to implement the practice of resilience and management disciplines in companies; and the way to apply resilience and management disciplines in an instrument that builds value. It was concluded that an organizational model should be formulated where resilience and management disciplines are applied to face times of crisis.
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