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5. Astratova, G.V., Ruzshitskaya, O.A. (2016). Marketing research on the market of organic food products: Training manual. // under the general and the scientific editorship of doctor of Economics, Professor Galina. V. Astratova. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing House "Openwork". In II parts. (In Russian).
6. Astratova, G.V., Ruzshitskaya, O.A., Karabanova, I.S., Azarenkov, L.S. (2017). To the question of "targeting" of the marketing mix (for example, organic food – normalized cream 40% fat). // Bulletin of Samara State University of Economics. № 6 (152). Pp. 53-67. (In Russian).
7. Astratova, G. V., Skorokhodova, L. A., Shaposhnikov, V.A., Kalimuchin, G. V., Bortsova, Y. L. (2007). Methodology of the study of consumer behavior of goods and services of modern shopping centers. Yekaterinburg. (In Russian).
8. Astratova, G.V., Syomin, A.N. (1999). Marketing of consumer market of food products: theory and practice. – Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Ural State Agrarian University. (In Russian).
9. Baturin, A. K. (1994) Nutrition of the population of Russia in 1989-1993.// Nutrition issues. No. 3. P. 4-8. (In Russian).
10. Bekarev, M. (1993). Freedom of the person in social space. Abstract. Diss. ... Doc. philosopher. sciences. - Ekaterinburg. (In Russian).
11. Berdyaev, N.(1990). The point of the story. - M.: Thought. (In Russian).
12. Blomsma, Jos. (1993). Is the future of Russian women - only in the kitchen? // Regional Policy. No. 1. P. 43-54. (In Russian).
13. Boikov, V. E. (1995). Socio-political factors of development of the Russian society // SOCIS. No. 11. P.43-52 (In Russian).
14. Bragin, L.A. (1991). Economic regulation of the sphere of mass food in the conditions of formation of market relations. Diss. ... Doc. Econ. sciences'. - M. (In Russian).
15. Bryzinski, T., Shil J. (2012). Ecological agricultural production and market of organic products in the Russian Federation. // The study was commissioned by the cooperation project of the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection of Germany "German-Russian agrarian-political dialogue". 26.06.2012. [Electronic resource.] // Access mode: / / http://agrardialog.ru/files/activities/apd_eko_selskoe_xosiaistvo_2012_1.pdf. (In Russian).
16. World encyclopedia: Philosophy (2001). / Main. scientific. ed. and comp. A. A. Gritsanov. – M.: AST, Mn.: Harvest, Modern writer. (In Russian).
17. Gorkaya, J.V. (2014). The Psychology of values: the textbook. - Samara: publishing House "Samara University. (In Russian).
18. Grimak, L.P. (1989). Reserves of the human psyche: Introduction to the psychology of activity. - Moscow: Politizdat. (In Russian).
19. Twenty-five years of social transformations in the assessments and judgments of Russians: the experience of sociological analysis (2018). / [M. K. Gorshkov et al.]; resp. edited by M. K. Gorshkov, V. Petukhov. - M.: The Whole World. (In Russian).
20. Dekker, J., Westhof, H. (1995) Rome-A-Marketing: theory and practice. Netherlands / Russia.Vol. 1, 2. (In Russian).
21. Kalimuchin, G. V. (2007). Methodical support of the study of consumer behavior of food products sold in major shopping centres. Diss. ... kand. Econ. sciences'. - Ekaterinburg. (In Russian).
22. Kasyanova, K.O. (1994). About the Russian national character. - M.: Institute of national model Economics. (In Russian).
23. Klimova, S.G.(2000). Stereotypes of everyday life in the definition of" their "and"strangers". [Electronic resource.] // Access mode: http://ecsocman.hse.ru/data/317/925/1231/002.KLIMOVA.pdf (In Russian).
24. Kovalev, V.M., Mogilny, N.P. (1994). Russian cuisine: traditions and customs. - Moscow: Soviet Russia. (In Russian).
25. Kovalev, N.I. and. Usov, V.V. (1991). Chemistry for You. Stories about the secrets of home cooking: Right. ed. - Moscow: Chemistry. (In Russian).
26. Kotler, Ph., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., Wong ,V. (2007). Principles of marketing. 2-e Europe. ed. – M., SPb.; K: Ed. house "Williams". (In Russian).
27. Krutikov, F. A., Volkova, N. In. Berta V., Berova Y. (1981). Problems of studying and forecasting consumer demand in socialism. - Moscow-Prague: Economics-SNTL. (In Russian).
28. The culture of the family as an object of sociological research (1980) / Collection of article; edited by L. N. Kogan and B. S. Pavlov. – Sverdlovsk: Academy of Sci. USSR. (In Russian).
29. Lamben, Jean-Jacques (1996). Strategic marketing. European perspective. – SPb.: Science. (In Russian).
30. Lagutina, Y.Y. (2011). Formation of a complex of marketing of educational services for institutions of higher professional education. Diss. ... kand. Econ. sciences'. - Omsk, 2011. (In Russian).
31. Levin, A. I. Yarkin, A. P. (1984). Economics of consumption: problems of theory, management, forecasting. - Moscow: Science. (In Russian).
32. Lenin, V.I. (1975). Complete works. T. I, 26, 40. (In Russian).
33. Lomazov, M. E., Shvundar V.A. (1989). Socio-economic problems of standardization and quality. - Moscow: Publishing house of standards. (In Russian).
34. Lewis, D. (2015). Neuromarketing in action. How to get into the buyer's brain. - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. (In Russian).
35. Magun, V.S., Rudnev M.G. (2008). Vital values of the Russian population: similarities and differences in comparison with other European countries // Bulletin of public opinion. No. 1 (93). January-February 2008. P. 5-17. [Electronic resource.] // Access mode: http://www.isras.ru/files/File/Publication/Bazov_zennosti_St2_Magun_Rudnev.pdf (In Russian).
36. Makoly, A.(1991). Poverty and its measurement // Socialist labor. No. 7. P. 36-41. (In Russian).
37. Basics of marketing. (2008). Textbook: a course of lectures and practical work. In three parts. Part one. Team of authors under the general and the scientific editorship of Dr. (Dr.) of Economics, Professor Galina V. Astratova. Yekaterinburg. Printed from the finished layout in the publishing house "Ural center of academic services". (In Russian).
38. Marx, K., Engels, F. (1976). Complete works. M.: Politizdat. 2nd ed. Vol. 12, 19, 23, 25. (In Russian).
39. Scientific and technological progress in the food service (1987)// Materials of IX scientific. conf. – M.: publishing house of the Institute of Catering. (In Russian).
40. Nikitina, O.(2017). VTSIOM learned the main life values of Russians. 07 June 2017. [Electronic resource.] // Access mode: https://vz.ru/news/2017/6/7/873626.html (In Russian).
41. North, D. (1997). Institutions, institutional changes and functioning of the economy. // Tr. with English. A.N. Nesterenko. Preface. and scientific. the editorship of B. Z. Milner. - M.: Beginning. (In Russian).
42. Obukhovsky, K. (1972). Psychology of inclinations of man: Tr. with Pol. V. I. Mogolia. - Moscow: Progress. (In Russian).
43. Ovsyannikov, A.A., Pyattay, I.I., Rimashevskaya, N.M. (1988). A typology of consumer behavior. – Moscow: Science. (In Russian).
44. The main directions of reforming Russian statistics until 2000 (1996) / / Economist. No. 2. P. 46-52. (In Russian).
45. Pavlov, I. P. (1951). Complete Works. –M.-L.: Academy of Sci. USSR. (In Russian).
46. Patosha, O. I., Varavina, T.Y. (2013). The influence of mood on the decision to buy high-tech products (Mood Influences Decisions to Purchase High-Technology Devices).// Psychology. Journal of Higher school of Economics. Vol. 10. No. 4. P. 99-107. (In Russian).
47. Panteleeva, E. L. (1997). Market psychology in the context of Russian mentality (social-philosophical analysis). Abstract. Diss. ... kand. philosopher. sciences'. - M. (In Russian).
48. Needs, income, consumption (methodology of analysis and forecasting of national welfare).(1979) - Moscow: Science. (In Russian).
49. Raichlin, E. (1995). Fundamentals of economic theory. Microeconomic theory of product markets. - Moscow: Science. (In Russian).
50. Sanchez, Y. (2017). The Russians and their conformity to stereotypes. 11.09. 2017. [Electronic resource.] // Access mode: https://inosmi.ru/social/20170911/240243238.html (In Russian).
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52. Simonov, P. V. (1981). The Emotional brain. - Moscow: Science. (In Russian).
53. Skurikhin, I. M., Nechaev, A.P. (1991). All about food from the point of view of chemist: Sprav. edition. - Moscow: Higher school. (In Russian).
54. Social identity and measurement of value consciousness in a crisis society. (1992)// Red. N. Shmatko. M.: Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Science. P.6. (In Russian).
55. Social reforms in Russia: history, current state and prospects. (1995). Series: Russia on the eve of XXI century. Issue 4. – SPb.: Too TK “Petropolis”. (In Russian).
56. Directory of dietetics. (1981). Moscow: Medicine. (In Russian).
57. Uznadze, D. N. (1966). Psychological research. - Moscow: Science. (In Russian).
58. Timokhina, G.S. (2011). Marketing management of decision - making process by consumers of cars. Abstract. Diss. ... kand. Econ. sciences'. – Yekaterinburg: USUE. (In Russian).
59. Tikhonova, N. (1996) Life values of Russians: is our mentality changing? // Authority. No. 5. P. 46-53. (In Russian).
60. Tracy, M., F. Wiersema, F. (2007). Marketing leading companies. Choose a consumer, define a focus, dominate the market. - Moscow: Williams. (In Russian).
61. Hodosh, J.R. (1987). The consumption culture. - Moscow: Politizdat. (In Russian).
62. Hretinin, D.F. (1995). Psychotherapeutic aspects of treatment of somatic diseases alimentary // Issues of nutrition. 1995. No. 4. P. 35-37. (In Russian).
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Submitted : 2020-11-30
Accepted : 2020-12-15
Published : 2020-12-30



The purpose of this study was to review the results of a 20-year study in the author's interpretation of the needs for food products and the value system that determines the market behavior of consumers in the food markets.

The scientific novelty of the research is the following results:

A) the author's interpretation of the needs for food products, as consisting of three components: 1) the actual need for food (physiological need); 2) the need for emotions obtained from eating (psychological need); 3) the need for market products that can meet the physiological needs of emotional expectations and social needs (socio-psychological and economic need);

B) interdisciplinary approach to the study of consumer behavior that led to the author's interpretation of the value of the research methods outlined in the works of  Sheth J.N., Newman B.I., Gross B.L. (1991), extended and supplemented in the study of Galina V. Astratova (1998);

C) identification of the fact that the importance of components in the system of values, according to the results of research, is different for different food products. This allows simulating more clearly the behavior of the consumer in the development of a marketing-mix and developing a marketing strategy based on targeting.



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Astratova, G. V., Klimuk, V.V., Ruzshitskaya O.A. (2016). Marketing research on the market of organic food products: the use of features of graphical analysis. Scientific monograph. // under the general and the scientific editorship of doctor of Economics, Professor G. V. Astratova. - Yekaterinburg: publishing house "Azhur". (In Russian).

Astratova, G.V., Ruzshitskaya, O.A. (2016). Marketing research on the market of organic food products: Training manual. // under the general and the scientific editorship of doctor of Economics, Professor Galina. V. Astratova. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing House "Openwork". In II parts. (In Russian).

Astratova, G.V., Ruzshitskaya, O.A., Karabanova, I.S., Azarenkov, L.S. (2017). To the question of "targeting" of the marketing mix (for example, organic food – normalized cream 40% fat). // Bulletin of Samara State University of Economics. № 6 (152). Pp. 53-67. (In Russian).

Astratova, G. V., Skorokhodova, L. A., Shaposhnikov, V.A., Kalimuchin, G. V., Bortsova, Y. L. (2007). Methodology of the study of consumer behavior of goods and services of modern shopping centers. Yekaterinburg. (In Russian).

Astratova, G.V., Syomin, A.N. (1999). Marketing of consumer market of food products: theory and practice. – Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Ural State Agrarian University. (In Russian).

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Bragin, L.A. (1991). Economic regulation of the sphere of mass food in the conditions of formation of market relations. Diss. ... Doc. Econ. sciences'. - M. (In Russian).

Bryzinski, T., Shil J. (2012). Ecological agricultural production and market of organic products in the Russian Federation. // The study was commissioned by the cooperation project of the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection of Germany "German-Russian agrarian-political dialogue". 26.06.2012. [Electronic resource.] // Access mode: / / http://agrardialog.ru/files/activities/apd_eko_selskoe_xosiaistvo_2012_1.pdf. (In Russian).

World encyclopedia: Philosophy (2001). / Main. scientific. ed. and comp. A. A. Gritsanov. – M.: AST, Mn.: Harvest, Modern writer. (In Russian).

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Grimak, L.P. (1989). Reserves of the human psyche: Introduction to the psychology of activity. - Moscow: Politizdat. (In Russian).

Twenty-five years of social transformations in the assessments and judgments of Russians: the experience of sociological analysis (2018). / [M. K. Gorshkov et al.]; resp. edited by M. K. Gorshkov, V. Petukhov. - M.: The Whole World. (In Russian).

Dekker, J., Westhof, H. (1995) Rome-A-Marketing: theory and practice. Netherlands / Russia.Vol. 1, 2. (In Russian).

Kalimuchin, G. V. (2007). Methodical support of the study of consumer behavior of food products sold in major shopping centres. Diss. ... kand. Econ. sciences'. - Ekaterinburg. (In Russian).

Kasyanova, K.O. (1994). About the Russian national character. - M.: Institute of national model Economics. (In Russian).

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Kovalev, V.M., Mogilny, N.P. (1994). Russian cuisine: traditions and customs. - Moscow: Soviet Russia. (In Russian).

Kovalev, N.I. and. Usov, V.V. (1991). Chemistry for You. Stories about the secrets of home cooking: Right. ed. - Moscow: Chemistry. (In Russian).

Kotler, Ph., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., Wong ,V. (2007). Principles of marketing. 2-e Europe. ed. – M., SPb.; K: Ed. house "Williams". (In Russian).

Krutikov, F. A., Volkova, N. In. Berta V., Berova Y. (1981). Problems of studying and forecasting consumer demand in socialism. - Moscow-Prague: Economics-SNTL. (In Russian).

The culture of the family as an object of sociological research (1980) / Collection of article; edited by L. N. Kogan and B. S. Pavlov. – Sverdlovsk: Academy of Sci. USSR. (In Russian).

Lamben, Jean-Jacques (1996). Strategic marketing. European perspective. – SPb.: Science. (In Russian).

Lagutina, Y.Y. (2011). Formation of a complex of marketing of educational services for institutions of higher professional education. Diss. ... kand. Econ. sciences'. - Omsk, 2011. (In Russian).

Levin, A. I. Yarkin, A. P. (1984). Economics of consumption: problems of theory, management, forecasting. - Moscow: Science. (In Russian).

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Lomazov, M. E., Shvundar V.A. (1989). Socio-economic problems of standardization and quality. - Moscow: Publishing house of standards. (In Russian).

Lewis, D. (2015). Neuromarketing in action. How to get into the buyer's brain. - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. (In Russian).

Magun, V.S., Rudnev M.G. (2008). Vital values of the Russian population: similarities and differences in comparison with other European countries // Bulletin of public opinion. No. 1 (93). January-February 2008. P. 5-17. [Electronic resource.] // Access mode: http://www.isras.ru/files/File/Publication/Bazov_zennosti_St2_Magun_Rudnev.pdf (In Russian).

Makoly, A.(1991). Poverty and its measurement // Socialist labor. No. 7. P. 36-41. (In Russian).

Basics of marketing. (2008). Textbook: a course of lectures and practical work. In three parts. Part one. Team of authors under the general and the scientific editorship of Dr. (Dr.) of Economics, Professor Galina V. Astratova. Yekaterinburg. Printed from the finished layout in the publishing house "Ural center of academic services". (In Russian).

Marx, K., Engels, F. (1976). Complete works. M.: Politizdat. 2nd ed. Vol. 12, 19, 23, 25. (In Russian).

Scientific and technological progress in the food service (1987)// Materials of IX scientific. conf. – M.: publishing house of the Institute of Catering. (In Russian).

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North, D. (1997). Institutions, institutional changes and functioning of the economy. // Tr. with English. A.N. Nesterenko. Preface. and scientific. the editorship of B. Z. Milner. - M.: Beginning. (In Russian).

Obukhovsky, K. (1972). Psychology of inclinations of man: Tr. with Pol. V. I. Mogolia. - Moscow: Progress. (In Russian).

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Tikhonova, N. (1996) Life values of Russians: is our mentality changing? // Authority. No. 5. P. 46-53. (In Russian).

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