Analysis of the Supply Chain in Industrial Companies in Guayaquil, Ecuador – A Secondary Publication
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Digital transformation
Supply chain
Industries 4.0



Submitted : 2024-02-07
Accepted : 2024-02-22
Published : 2024-03-08


This research clearly outlines the supply chain in a process of evolution and digital transformation, where the collaboration of its members is concentrated, having technological tools to help chain management. To analyze the advantages that this transformation produces in the supply chain, as well as its different processes, this study has a systemic perspective that involves precise elements for organizational development, such as the different phases of each process, operations, logistics, and distribution. It must be borne in mind that any strategy in industrial companies grants the automation of procedures in the supply chain and determines a product in any phase of production, making the organization more sensitive to any variation in orders. The methodology included a bibliographic and non-experimental review that allows a descriptive and analytical study, which details the various characteristics of the fact that is being investigated, collecting information through interviews with different people who are involved with industrial companies. Among the results obtained, it was identified that digital transformation helps reduce costs and generates greater profitability. In conclusion, it was obtained that the digital supply chain helps in each of the phases of the processes, these are supervised by devices that help to have fast and effective information.


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