Labor Motivation and Its Influence on Workers’ Productivity – A Secondary Publication
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Work motivation
Work environment



Submitted : 2024-02-07
Accepted : 2024-02-22
Published : 2024-03-08


The productivity of an institution is achieved, in large part, by creating a harmonious environment that reflects the satisfaction, empowerment, and collaborative spirit of each employee. From this perspective, management will consider upgrades using all tactics that allow for the achievement of these goals, including direct effort and the involvement of all stakeholders. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between work motivation and the productivity of workers in the communal board of the Barrio Sur corregimiento in the province of Colón. Using the questionnaire as an instrument, as well as the descriptive method, allowed for the report and evaluation of the characteristics of the workers, indicating interpersonal deficits and distancing in the motivations that drive administrative action. By incorporating different approaches previously analyzed and developed by different authors familiar with the subject, it was possible to achieve substantial results, such as the need to implement administrative strategies that harmoniously incorporate workers, showing that, despite motivation problems, the work environment where one works is very important in the performance of their duties. Managing to motivate the direct participation of the workers selected as part of the sample, who showed full satisfaction with the results framed within the framework of individual improvement and, above all, the commitment to the institution to improve its work.


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