Examining the Impact Factors and Strategies to Mitigate Economic Fluctuation in the Real Estate Sector
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Real estate
Economic fluctuations
Influencing factors



Submitted : 2023-10-10
Accepted : 2023-10-25
Published : 2023-11-09


With the continuous growth of the economy and the rapid pace of urbanization, the real estate sector has
assumed an increasingly substantial role within the national economy. Ensuring the stable and sustainable development of the real estate sector to maximize its societal and economic contributions has become a pressing issue. China, presently engaged in an extensive urbanization drive, places real estate development and sales as pivotal components in the broader real estate industry, significantly impacting the overall functionality of the real estate market. Real estate, being a comprehensive system encompassing land, housing, infrastructure, and other key elements, exerts a profound influence on people’s basic needs such as shelter, sustenance, and daily living. Its evolution directly shapes the trajectory of the national economy and social stability. Therefore, to foster the consistent and robust growth of China’s real estate economy, it is necessary to implement effective measures that entail a systematic and thorough analysis of the factors responsible for the fluctuations in China’s real estate economy.


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