Features and Trends of Chinese Management Style in the New Economic Era
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Chinese management style
Management features
Market economy
Management philosophy



Submitted : 2024-02-06
Accepted : 2024-02-21
Published : 2024-03-07


According to historical environment and national policies in different periods, Chinese business managers have gradually explored and formed management capabilities in accordance with market needs. Chinesestyle management has been established, based on the characteristics of Chinese society and the specific conditions of Chinese enterprises, applying China’s excellent philosophy to business management.It absorbsglobal scientific management concepts and forms a management model with Chinese characteristics. Chinese style management have gradually influenced the development of world management. It is of great significance to study Chinese style management.Studying the formation of Chinese style management is not only to examine and analyze its own development process, but also to deeply explore the characteristics of Chinesestyle management and provide new ideas for management models for companies in other countries.This paper analyzes the reasons and characteristics of the formation of Chinesestyle managementand puts forward suggestions for the development trend of Chinesestyle management through comparative analysis and SWOT analysis.


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