Predicting Google’s Stock Price with LSTM Model
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Stock prediction
LSTM model
Stock trend



Submitted : 2022-09-21
Accepted : 2022-10-06
Published : 2022-10-21


Stock market has a profound impact on the market economy, Hence, the prediction of future movement of stocks is of great significance to investors. Therefore, an efficient prediction system can solve this problem to a great extent. In this paper, we used the stock price of Google Inc. as a prediction object, selected 3810 adjusted closing prices, and used long short-term memory (LSTM) method to predict the future price trend of the stock. We built a three-layer LSTM model and divided the entire data into a test set and a training set according to the ratio of 8 to 2. The final results show that while the LSTM model can predict the stock trend of Google Inc. very well, it cannot predict the specific price accurately.


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