Pairs Trading Strategy for A and H Shares Based on Kalman-HMM Approach
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Pairs trading
Kalman filtering
State transition
Hidden Markov model (HMM)
Cointegration relationship



Submitted : 2021-10-17
Accepted : 2021-11-01
Published : 2021-11-16


Pairs trading is a statistical arbitrage strategy that takes advantage of unbalanced financial markets. A common difficulty for quantitative trading participants is the detection of market institutional changes in financial markets. In order to solve this issue, the hidden Markov model (HMM) is applied for status detection. The research objective is to use Kalman filter to predict and the hidden Markov model (HMM) to identify state transitions on the basis of screening transaction pairs with obvious co-integration relationship. This research would prove the profitability of the strategy and the ability to resist risk through the combination of these two methods with real data. The empirical results showed that compared with the traditional cointegration strategy, the holding yield increased from 1.6% to 16.2% and the maximum pullback reduced to 0.02%. Further research is required to improve trading rules.


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