Developing Statistical Modellings to Investigate the Internal Drivers for the Trend of Output Values in the Manufacturing Industry: Evidence from Chinese Enterprises
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Statistical modellings
Internal drivers
Output values
Manufacturing industry
Chinese enterprises



Submitted : 2021-10-17
Accepted : 2021-11-01
Published : 2021-11-16


The manufacturing industry is an important pillar of the national economy. It is of vital importance to develop statistical modellings in order to quantify the relationship between potential internal drivers and the trend of output values in the manufacturing industry. However, only a few statistical modellings have been established to investigate such associations. This study developed the correlation coefficient model and generalized linear model (GLM) to measure the single and interactive effects of the internal drivers on the changes of the output values. For the GLM, different predictive variables were developed to fit into the dataset, and the performance of the models were compared using fitness parameters. Furthermore, an industry survey dataset for 1,180 manufacturing enterprises in 2020 was used to validate the models. The use of the GLM combining land area, number of employees, scientific research input, and labor productivity may have a great potential to bolster capacity in monitoring and predicting the trend of output values in the manufacture industry.


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