Research on the Selection of Supply Chain Marketing Models Based on E-commerce Service Levels
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Marketing mode
Service level
Game theory



Submitted : 2021-07-31
Accepted : 2021-08-15
Published : 2021-08-30


Based on the game theory, the service sensitivity coefficient is introduced to construct four marketing game models, which include a single flagship store, a single self-operated store, a direct sales-flagship store, and a direct sales-self-operated store, in combination with numerical analysis methods to analyze manufacturers and e-commerce platforms in different situations. The study found that the service levels affected the profit of each entity in the supply chain. The service levels of self-operated stores were higher than those of the flagship stores, and the opening of direct sales channels had a stimulating effect on the service levels of e-commerce platforms to a certain extent. In consideration of the service levels and the ability to build direct sales channels, the direct sales-flagship store marketing model is the best choice for manufacturers whereas e-commerce platforms are more inclined to open self-operated stores. However, the opening of manufacturers’ direct sales channels is not necessarily beneficial to e-commerce platforms.


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