Management of Foreign Investment in Scientific Research Institutions
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Scientific research institutions
Foreign investment
Investment in assets
Economic system



Submitted : 2021-07-31
Accepted : 2021-08-15
Published : 2021-08-30


Based on the premise of promoting the sustainable development of scientific research institutions, this article analyzes the key points that should be emphasized in the management of foreign investment. It summarizes the practical significance of foreign investment management and determine the necessity of this management. According to the problems encountered in the management, three suggestions have been put forward. The scientific optimization suggestions are summarized from three aspects which are strengthening the standardization of foreign investment management, standardizing the financial accounting mode of foreign investment, and paying attention to the cultivation of foreign investment supervision personnel. There are accumulated experiences in the area of foreign investment management and the management system is constantly being improved in order to strengthen the efficiency of foreign investment projects in scientific research institutions.


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