Impact of Labor Mobility on Economic Growth: A Comparative Study between Egypt and Vietnam
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Labor mobility
Pillars of growth
Economic freedom



Submitted : 2024-02-27
Accepted : 2024-03-13
Published : 2024-03-28


This paper will discuss how labor mobility accelerates economic growth based on a comparative study between Egypt and Vietnam during the period of 2009 to 2019 from the Index of Economic Freedom. This paper is based on analyzing the four main pillars of economic freedom. Using the Heritage Foundation to assess the labor mobility in both Egypt and Vietnam, both countries were considered as mostly unfree with an overall score of 52.5% with a world rank of 144 and an overall score of 55.3% with a world rank of 128, respectively. Lastly, this paper will investigate, propose, and recommend ways for Vietnam and Egypt to accelerate their growths via restructuring the labor market during the period of 2008 till 2018.


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