Nag Mohashoy Temple Complex, Narayanganj: A Case Study of Adaptive Reuse for Hindu Religious Site
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Cultural heritage
Architectural conservation
Adaptive reuse
Community participation



Submitted : 2024-10-02
Accepted : 2024-10-17
Published : 2024-11-01


With an emphasis on the religious component of reuse potentiality, this study investigates the crucial nexus between spatial development and the conservation model for religious practice with socio-communal dimensions. Adaptive reuse is a critical tactic for global preservation and revitalization to elevate heritage sites in culturally significant locations but provides contemporary functions to them simultaneously. This study examines the various facets of adaptive reuse concerning the religious cultural heritage of suppressed minorities, stressing its insight and importance including the inherent cultural worth of ancient structures and difficulties through creative solutions to modify the temple with modern purposes. The research methodology approaches through an extensive analysis of the literature and case studies and ends with design interventions. It looks into the socioeconomic advantages of adaptive reuse in religious practice, such as the promotion of pilgrimage tourism, community revitalization, and sustainable development. The possible findings will emphasize the conversation on sustainable heritage management by combining theoretical frameworks with practical discoveries as an architectural project with certain concepts.


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