Prevention and Control Measures for Vertical Spread of Fire along the External Wall of High-rise Buildings
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Submitted : 2020-12-01
Accepted : 2020-12-16
Published : 2020-12-31


 In the analysis and research of few cases on the characteristics of vertical "burning" and spreading of fire in high-rise buildings in China and overseas, the mechanism of vertical spreading of fire along external wall is caused by hot pressing and wind pressure existing in high-rise buildings. The use of external wall combustible materials and near-window combustible items resulted in the formation of high temperature pyrotechnics and the burning of the external wall. Besides, due to the lack of fire-fighting measurements in high-rise building, it is recommended that the external wall of the high-rise building should be equipped with vertical fire-proof partitioning and non-combustible materials by setting up an automatic fire-fighting water curtain system along the vertical section of the external wall and above the indoor window. Therefore, the automatic sprinkler can be set up to prevent the fire from spreading vertically along the external wall of the building effectively.

References,, reported on CCTV New Building Annex Building, Shanghai Jingan District High-level Teacher Apartment and Shenyang Wanxin Building, texts, pictures and videos of several high-rise building fire accidents abroad.

Fire Protection Code for High-rise Civil Building Design, GB50045-95, 2005 edition, Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, Ministry of Construction.

Code for Design of Automatic Sprinkler System, GB50084-2015, 2015 edition, Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, Ministry of Construction.