Research on Key Points of Design of Standard Plants in Modern Industrial Parks Under the Background of Promoting the Development of New Quality Productive Forces
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New quality productive forces
Modern industrial park
Standard plant design
Environmental protection



Submitted : 2024-06-16
Accepted : 2024-07-01
Published : 2024-07-16


With the progress of science and technology and the acceleration of industrialization, the modern industrial park is an important carrier of industrial development. The importance of its standard plant design has become increasingly prominent. With the development of new quality productive forces as the background, this research deeply discusses the key points of standard plant design in modern industrial parks. This paper uses literature review and case analysis to systematically analyze the important role of standard plant design in developing new quality productive forces in modern industrial parks and puts forward suggestions for optimizing design. It is found that the rationality, intelligence, and environmental protection of plant design are the key factors affecting the development of new quality productive forces. The paper summarizes the core points of modern industrial park standard plant design to provide a reference for the future development of related industries.


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