Study on the Design Scheme of Vehicle Flow Lines in Unilateral Agglomerative Open Service Area
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Unilateral agglomeration
Open service area
Traffic flow line



Submitted : 2024-06-16
Accepted : 2024-07-01
Published : 2024-07-16


In recent years, with the introduction of the strategy to strengthen the country’s transportation infrastructure and the continuous implementation of new economic development models such as integrating transportation with tourism, various open service areas integrating highway service areas with local tourism have emerged nationwide. Examples include the Yangcheng Lake service area in Jiangsu and the Lengshui service area in Chongqing. This paper focuses on the design example of the Dazu Stone Carving service area on the Chongqing section of the Yurong Expressway, comprehensively considering factors such as construction scale, terrain conditions, and local urban planning. It analyzes and studies the traffic flow design of unilateral agglomerative open service areas around two vehicle traffic conversion links: between the main expressway and the service area, and between the service area and local roads. The aim is to provide a case study reference for similar projects.


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