Research on the Preservation Method of Traditional Village Roof Information: A Case Study of Gubeikou Village
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Traditional villages
Building rooftops
Mask R-CNN
Instance segmentation



Submitted : 2024-04-22
Accepted : 2024-05-07
Published : 2024-05-22


Traditional Chinese villages serve as crucial repositories of traditional culture. However, In China, the urgent task of preserving information about traditional village architecture has arisen due to the degradation of these villages’ appearance caused by rapid urbanization in recent years. This paper proposes a method for preserving information about traditional village rooftops based on high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery. Leveraging an improved Mask R-CNN model, the method conducts target recognition on the rooftops of traditional village buildings and generates vectorized representations of these rooftops. The precision rate, recall rate, and F1-score achieved in the experimental results are 93.26%, 86.33%, and 92.02%, respectively. These findings indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method in preserving information about traditional village architecture and providing a viable approach to support the sustainable development of traditional villages in China.


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