Risk Assessment of an Environmental Liability in the Commercialization of Hydrocarbons – A Secondary Publication
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Hazardous events
Environmental liability



Submitted : 2024-04-27
Accepted : 2024-05-12
Published : 2024-05-27


The risk analysis evaluates the probability of occurrence with the impact of said risks. In the hydrocarbon sector, an environmental liability is an improperly abandoned facility, soil contaminated by spills or others. The objective of this work is to define a risk management plan. The characterization of the residue and the area was carried out. Hazardous events were identified: overflow spill, soil contamination by infiltration, as well as radiant heat and suffocating and toxic fumes from a fire. The matrix method was applied considering the probability of occurrence against vulnerability. The danger of infiltration implied a high level of risk. The risk management plan was drawn up, its main action being the liquidation of the pool and the sanitation of the area.


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