Application Strategy of BIM Technology in Municipal Road Design
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BIM technology
Municipal road design
Status quo
Application strategy



Submitted : 2023-05-31
Accepted : 2023-06-15
Published : 2023-06-30


The development of information technology provides certain convenient conditions in the design of municipal roads, and allow the achievements of high standards and requirements of current road design and construction. Among many information technologies, building information modeling (BIM) technology is more widely used in road design and has achieved good results. BIM technology can realize information sharing, allow the design of virtual models, discover design problems in time, and reduce the rate of design changes later or in late stage. At the same time, through the coordination and standardization of the design of road traffic and underground pipelines, it provides new design ideas for the development of municipal roads. This paper mainly analyzes the application advantages and status of BIM technology in municipal road design, and puts forward the application strategy of municipal road design.


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