The Three Levels of Education in Site Design Course of Architecture
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Site design
General plan
Architect registration examination
Architectural programming



Submitted : 2021-05-10
Accepted : 2021-05-25
Published : 2021-06-09


“Professional Guiding Standards for Advanced Education Architecture in University Undergraduate Students” (2013 edition) indicates that the education system of architecture should include a section on “environment and site.” It should involve six learning components which are concepts of site and environment, site terrain classifications, environment of two tendencies, elements involved in the sites, elements of environmental impact, and site design.[1] As site design (drawing) has become a significant topic in the examination of registered architects, many domestic architecture colleges have set up site design courses as independent ones. After more than ten years of exploration and research in developing the education system of site design courses, teaching experiences and achievements have been acquired. Site design courses have been gradually integrated with general plan design, registered architect examination, and architectural programming. Teachers have specified relevant learning goals in the regular daily curriculum in addition to the basic and vocational education of architecture. In this way, the site design course would be more in line with the educational goals of architecture. This paper aims to analyze the education of site design courses in hope of developing the future architectural education.


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