Analysis on the Influence of "Replacement of Business Tax by Value-added Tax" on the Cost of Highway Projects
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Submitted : 2021-05-10
Accepted : 2021-05-25
Published : 2021-06-09


The "Replacement of Business Tax by VAT reform" (hereby refer to as "VAT reform" for short) is a newly promulgated and implemented tax policy, and its impact on various industries in China is very different, and the highway project industry is no exception. The implementation of the "VAT reform" will not only have a positive impact on the cost of highway projects, but will also have some negative impacts. For this reason, highway project construction corporates must actively respond. The author explores and analyzes the positive and negative effects of the "VAT reform" on the cost of highway projects, and proposes a reform strategy for highway project cost work under the background of the "VAT reform", in hope of helping with bringing out the intrinsic value of highway project cost management work.