Interpretation of Relationship between Urban Planning and Architectural Design
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Submitted : 2020-12-01
Accepted : 2020-12-16
Published : 2020-12-31


Nowadays, the architectural design is mainly based on city planning and design, and will directly affect the city planning and design.The relationship between the two is very close. They complement each other.City planning and design should actively learn some advanced design concepts and technology from architectural design, while, architectural design should keep pace with city planning and design, so that we can promote the harmony and unity of the city maximally. Under the situation of our country’s gradually progress and development, city planning design and architecture design can work together to achieve the purpose of progress,scientifically and rationally carry out the related work of city planning and design, to improve the level and quality of life from the national fundamental. In view of this, this paper mainly analyzes the relationship between urban planning design and architectural design.