Challenges and Suggestions in the Teaching of Mechanics of Materials in Vocational Colleges
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Challenges and suggestions
Mechanics of Materials
Vocational colleges



Submitted : 2023-03-26
Accepted : 2023-04-10
Published : 2023-04-25


Mechanics of Materials is an important basic course, and its teaching quality directly affects the subsequent professional courses, such as mechanical design, mechanical manufacturing, automation, and testing technology. However, the problem of poor teaching quality of Material Mechanics in vocational colleges persists. In this paper, the research of scholars is first described. Then, the research team analyzed the teaching situation and pointed out the current challenges faced in the teaching of Material Mechanics through questionnaires. In order to improve the teaching quality of Mechanics of Materials, this paper puts forward targeted suggestions such as stimulating students’ interest and applying new technologies. The findings of this paper can provide reference for the reform of teaching of Mechanics of Materials.


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