Research Progress and Prospect of Tourism Carbon Emissions and Its Uncertainty Analysis Under the Goal of Low-Carbon Scenic Spots
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Low-carbon scenic spot
Carbon emissions
Uncertainty analysis



Submitted : 2023-03-26
Accepted : 2023-04-10
Published : 2023-04-25


Under the dual carbon goal, China Certified Emissions Reductions (CCER) and the national carbon market have become important means of emission reduction and control. The tourism industry is a strategic pillar industry of China’s national economy, and scenic spots are the main sites of tourism activities. Research on carbon emissions in scenic spots is of great significance for the construction of low-carbon scenic spots and the realization of the dual carbon goal. In this paper, the research on carbon emissions in tourism is reviewed, the current research progress is discussed, and further prospects are made. The research on tourism carbon emissions in China has a good foundation and achieved certain results. However, there are few studies on micro-scales such as scenic spots. The statistical data caliber and measurement methods of carbon emissions are not uniform, and there is a general lack of uncertainty analysis. Future research should focus on building a multi-spatial dimension research system, unifying the statistical caliber and measurement methods of carbon emission data, increasing uncertainty analysis, and ensuring the robustness of research results.


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