Methodology for Supporting Educational Reform in the EBPM Era: Encouraging Intrinsic Reform through Vision-driven Approaches
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Vision-driven approach
Methodology for intrinsic school reform
Empowering governance
Curriculum management
Evidence-Based Policy Making (EBPM)
Submitted : 2023-06-25
Accepted : 2023-07-10
Published : 2023-07-25


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the expansion of the GIGA School concept, there is a growing demand for leadership that empowers individual schools to take initiative in their reforms. This paper explores the perspective of connecting Evidence-Based Policy Making (EBPM) with intrinsic school reform to address this challenge. The first aspect discussed is the need for a holistic approach to connect EBPM with purposeful and rational management. While evidence-based reforms and rational management approaches show effectiveness in strategic administrative initiatives, they may lead to externally driven approaches and passive recipient schools if not implemented carefully. To avoid this, the paper suggests clarifying policy objectives and breaking them down for different stakeholders, while always returning to the ultimate vision of the children and students targeted. The second aspect focuses on a methodology for endogenous school reform that is Vision-Driven. This methodology connects the driving force of EBPM and curriculum management through interactive sharing of vision and collaborative opportunities for teachers. By fostering a culture of teamwork and collective responsibility, the methodology enables sustained and meaningful school reform at the organizational level. Lastly, the paper addresses the importance of empowering governance and management in school settings. It emphasizes the need for a decentralized governance structure that allows non-governmental participants some discretion while ensuring quality. The paper advocates for respecting and empowering the field as the main actors in curriculum development to foster a dynamic network that contributes to school cohesion and transformative learning experiences. In conclusion, the integration of EBPM with intrinsic school reform through a Vision-Driven approach offers a path towards empowering schools and fostering meaningful educational changes amidst the challenges of the present times.


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