An Affective EEG Analysis Method Without Feature Engineering
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Dynamic graph classification
Self-attention mechanism
Dynamic self-attention network
SEED dataset



Submitted : 2024-01-23
Accepted : 2024-02-07
Published : 2024-02-22


Emotional electroencephalography (EEG) signals are a primary means of recording emotional brain activity.Currently, the most effective methods for analyzing emotional EEG signals involve feature engineering and neuralnetworks. However, neural networks possess a strong ability for automatic feature extraction. Is it possible to discardfeature engineering and directly employ neural networks for end-to-end recognition? Based on the characteristics of EEGsignals, this paper proposes an end-to-end feature extraction and classification method for a dynamic self-attention network(DySAT). The study reveals significant differences in brain activity patterns associated with different emotions acrossvarious experimenters and time periods. The results of this experiment can provide insights into the reasons behind thesedifferences.


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