Distributed Algorithms for MaximizingLifetime in Clustered Wireless SensorNetworks Using Energy-Harvesting RelayNod
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Submitted : 2020-12-01
Accepted : 2020-12-16
Published : 2020-12-31


Motivated by recent developments in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs), we present distributed clustering algorithms for maximizingthe lifetime of WSNs, i.e., the duration till the first node dies. Westudy the joint problem of prolonging network lifetime by introducing clustering techniques and energy-harvesting (EH) nodes. Firstlywe propose distributed clustering algorithm for maximizing the lifetime of clustered WSN, which includes EH nodes, serving as relaynodes for cluster heads (CHs). Secondly graph-based and LP-basedEH-CH matching algorithms are proposed which serve as benchmarkalgorithms. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed algorithms can achieve optimal or suboptimal solutions efficiently


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