In recent years, self-supervised learning which does not require a large number of manual labels generate supervised signals through the data itself to attain the characterization learning of samples. Self-supervised learning solves the problem of learning semantic features from unlabeled data, and realizes pre-training of models in large data sets. Its significant advantages have been extensively studied by scholars in recent years. There are usually three types of self-supervised learning: “Generative, Contrastive, and Generative-Contrastive.” The model of the comparative learning method is relatively simple, and the performance of the current downstream task is comparable to that of the supervised learning method. Therefore, we propose a conceptual analysis framework: data augmentation pipeline, architectures, pretext tasks, comparison methods, semi-supervised fine-tuning. Based on this conceptual framework, we qualitatively analyze the existing comparative self-supervised learning methods for computer vision, and then further analyze its performance at different stages, and finally summarize the research status of self-supervised comparative learning methods in other fields.
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