Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Self-Advocacy in Young and Middle-Aged Patients with Breast Cancer: A Latent Profile Analysis
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Young and middle-aged
Breast cancer
Latent profile analysis



Submitted : 2024-12-03
Accepted : 2024-12-18
Published : 2025-01-02


Objective: To explore the potential categories and influencing factors of self-advocacy in young and middle-aged patients with breast cancer and to provide a theoretical basis for personalized intervention. Methods: From September 2023 to March 2024, 314 young and middle-aged breast cancer patients were studied. Female cancer patients were surveyed using the self-advocacy scale, social support rating scale, and chronic health literacy scale. Latent profile analysis was used to investigate the heterogeneity and influencing factors of self-advocacy. Results: Self-advocacy among young and middle-aged breast cancer patients were classified into two potential categories: low advocacy-lack of support (51.7%) and high advocacy-effective communication (48.3%). Binary logistic regression analysis indicated that educational level, per capita monthly income, social support, and health literacy were significant influencing factors of these categories (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Self-advocacy in young and middle-aged breast cancer patients demonstrates categorical heterogeneity. Identifying self-advocacy characteristics and implementing targeted intervention strategies—focused on self-efficacy and improving health literacy—can enhance self-advocacy in these patients.


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