Education of Hospitalized Diabetic Patients: Analysis of Training Needs among Nurses in a Lebanese Hospital – A Secondary Publication
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Submitted : 2024-04-21
Accepted : 2024-05-06
Published : 2024-05-21


The design of diabetes inpatient educational preparation should be based on the needs of the nurses involved in terms of skills in this area. The objective of this qualitative study is to identify the preparatory needs of nurses working in the medical and surgical units of a Lebanese hospital in terms of Survival Skills Education for Hospitalized Diabetic Patients (SSEHDP). Method: The focus group method is used for data collection using a semi-structured interview guide. The needs expressed by the thirty-two participating nurses were classified into categories of the competency framework for providing self-management education to diabetic patients proposed by the American Diabetes Association. Results: By focusing on the themes of an SSEHDP, a list of preparatory needs was drawn up. The needs identified and analyzed are then translated into general and specific learning objectives for educational preparation. Conclusion: The needs analysis is only the first step in a work that will ideally continue into the implementation and eventual evaluation of an educational program developed to help nurses acquire skills in the education of diabetic patients.


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