Development of Human Rights-Based Practices in Psychiatry From People Living With Mental Health Problems Lived Experiences DuringInvoluntary Hospitalization or Treatment
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Mental health
Human rights



Submitted : 2024-04-27
Accepted : 2024-05-12
Published : 2024-05-27


This article presents the research protocol of an interpretative phenomenological study that aims to understand the lived experiences of coercion and human rights-based practices in psychiatry from the perspectives of people living with mental health problems during involuntary hospitalization or treatment. This qualitative study used an interpretative phenomenological analysis design. In-depth, one-on-one interviews along with a socio-demographic questionnaire were conducted with approximately 10 participants. Data analysis was followed by an iterative and hermeneutic emergence coding process. By centering human rights-based practices on the lived experiences of people living with mental health problems who encountered coercion, this study highlighted the contributing and limiting factors to the recognition of human rights in nursing practices. This study also promoted the development of nursing knowledge and practices that can significantly contribute to an individual’s recovery process.


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