Constipation is one of the common gastrointestinal complications of stroke, which not only affects the quality of life of patients, but also easily induces and aggravates the primary disease and delays the recovery of the disease. At present, most of the treatments for constipation after stroke are oral medicine and enema, but the curative effect is poor and unstable. Acupuncture has the advantages of simple operation, remarkable effect, high patient acceptance and a little toxic effect. It is one of the non-drug treatment ways to prevent and treat constipation after stroke, as well as widely used in the treatment of constipation after stroke. Therefore, the clinical research on acupuncture treatment of constipation after stroke in recent years is summarized to provide reference for the subsequent clinical treatment of constipation after stroke.
Li J, Yuan M, Liu Y, et al., 2017, Incidence of Constipation in Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Medicine (Baltimore), 96(25): e7225.
Peng G, Mi Y, 2019, Research Progress of Acupuncture Treatment of Constipation After Stroke, Xinjiang traditional Chinese medicine, 37(01):137-140.
Liu S, Liao X, Jia M, et al., 2020, Systematic Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture in Treating Constipation After Stroke, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine, 39(11):1135-1139.
Dong C, Gao Y, Li Y, et al., 2021, Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture on Constipation After Ischemic Stroke, Inner Mongolia Traditional Chinese Medicine, 40(01):104-105.
Wang Z, Liu C, Min Y, et al., 2021, Treatment of Constipation After Stroke with Acupuncture at Odd Points Combined with Syndrome Differentiation, Jilin Traditional Chinese Medicine, 41(01):119-122.
Su L, Pan J, Zeng K, 2018, Analysis of Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Combined with Acupoints on Constipation After Stroke, Shenzhen Journal of Integrative Medicine, 28(12):53-54.
Leng M, Wang J, Liu T, et al., 2019, Randomized Controlled Study of Acupuncture at Shumu Point in Gastrointestinal Tract on Constipation After Stroke, Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture, 38(02):178-182.
Wang L, 2020, Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture on Constipation After Ischemic Stroke, Guide of China Medicine, 18(10):185-186.
Wang C, Liu M, Wen Q, et al, 2015, Clinical Observation on Electroacupuncture Intervention in Prevention and Treatment of Constipation in Acute Stage of Ischemic Stroke, Chinese Acupuncture, 35(05):430-434.
Xiong Z, Gong X, Lu T, 2017, Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Abdominal Electroacupuncture Combined with Umbilical Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Constipation After Stroke, Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 36(03):265-268.
Qu Z, Ji Y, Wang S, et al., 2020, Comparison of Therapeutic Effects of Wheat Grain Moxibustion and Ordinary Acupuncture on Constipation in Patients with Ischemic Stroke, Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 32(02):313-316.
Liu C, Feng X, Liu F, et al., 2015, Effect of Umbilical Moxibustion on Constipation After Stroke, Chinese Rehabilitation Theory and Practice, 21(10):1209-1211.
Zhang J, 2018, Clinical Analysis of Heat-Sensitive Moxibustion in Treating Constipation After Stroke, Chinese and Foreign Medical Research, 16(05):31-33.
Lin G, Zhao B, 2016, Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Constipation After Stroke, New Traditional Chinese Medicine, 48(07):43-44.
Song C, Liu L, 2015, Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Warm Acupuncture on Constipation After Stroke, Everybody Health (Academic Edition), 9(16):40.
Long X, Liu L, 2017, Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Bean Implantation at Ear Points on Constipation After Stroke, Journal of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 36(03):50-52.
Du J, Liu H, Xu J, 2020, Catgut Embedding Therapy for Constipation After Stroke: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Study, Chinese Acupuncture, 40(05):493-497.
Wang S, Fan M, 2017, A Randomized Parallel Controlled Study of Catgut Embedding at Acupoints Combined with Western Medicine in Treating Constipation After Stroke, Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine, 31(07):32-35.
Chen W, Gao C, 2019, Observation on Curative Effect and Nursing Care of 80 Cases of Constipation After Stroke Treated by Acupoint Application of Raw Rhubarb Powder, Journal of Psychology, 14(21):155.
Ma C, Yin L, Tian X, Li C, 2019, Research Survey of Acupuncture Treatment of Constipation After Stroke, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hunan, 35(01):141-144.
Liang B, Feng L, Sharla C, et al., 2020, Observation on Nursing Effect of “Fu Yuan Tong Fu Fu” Abdominal Massage on Constipation After Stroke, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(03):79-81.