Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome from the Theory of "Yigui Homology"
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Submitted : 2021-06-30
Accepted : 2021-07-15
Published : 2021-07-30


Traditional medicine believes that emotional, room labor and other factors lead to the lack of blood circulation after the weather, and the consumption of Yin blood is too much, which can lead to the deficiency of blood essence. Over time, the deficiency of menstrual blood can not nourish the kidney essence, leading to abnormal pregnancy. The liver is congenital for women, and the kidney is congenital. The disharmony of liver and kidney is the key factor of women's disease. Starting from the "homology of Yi and GUI", this paper analyzes the main etiology and pathogenesis of the disease from three aspects: deficiency of blood essence, imbalance of Zang and Xie, and Yin not controlling Yang. Following the principle of simultaneous treatment of liver and kidney, starting from the three methods of "regulating and tonifying liver and kidney, tonifying kidney and activating blood circulation, and balancing yin and Yang", the liver and kidney are reconciled, and pregnancy is sometimes the best choice. The main purpose is to benefit PCOS patients.