The Study of Ischemic Stroke
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Submitted : 2021-06-30
Accepted : 2021-07-15
Published : 2021-07-30


This study focuses on the pathology of ischemic stroke and the analysis of the disease. Ischemic stroke has become a serious disease that damages the health of the elderly year by year. Therefore, the continual analysis of ischemic stroke is able to make the disease be better prevented and effectively treated. This review contains diagnosis testing, treatment and prognoses, and analyzes the pros and cons of each method in each part. The prognostics treatment of patients is certainly an important part to be considered because most of patients are elderly. How to relieve the suffering of patients and help patients regain health are also the key points of this review. This review then records an interview of a patient who has the ischemic stroke and HIV. The interview mainly discusses the continuous treatment after left the hospital and the psychological. The patient affirmed some new treatments and also posed some psychological burden. In general, medical staff not only need to think of treating the patient’s body, but also need to pay attention to the patient’s psychological condition.