Photodynamic Therapy Combined with Electrosurgical Resection for Recurrent Bladder Cancer
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Submitted : 2021-06-30
Accepted : 2021-07-15
Published : 2021-07-30


Bladder tumor is characterized by recurrent recurrence and distant metastasis, which determines the difficulty of completely curing bladder tumor. In recent years, the number of patients with bladder cancer is increasing, and the treatment of bladder cancer has become an important direction of clinical research. It is difficult to control bladder tumor by traditional therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT), as a new optical therapy, has gradually become the main method in clinical treatment of bladder tumor combined with transurethral resection of bladder tumor. In this paper, a patient with superficial recurrent bladder tumor was treated by photodynamic therapy combined with transurethral resection of bladder tumor. The advantages of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of bladder tumor and the selection of photosensitizer in the process of photodynamic therapy were discussed. After two recurrences, the patients chose photodynamic therapy. The tumors were resected one by one, and the wound was coagulated by roller electrode. After the drug was retained for 20 minutes, the bladder was empty. The spherical optical fiber was implanted into the bladder. The photodynamic energy was adjusted (light power 1.8 W, light time 1302 s). There was no recurrence after operation.Most bladder tumors are superficial tumors, and bladder is a cavity organ, which determines that bladder is an ideal organ for photodynamic therapy. As a targeted drug, photosensitizer is only absorbed by bladder tumor after being perfused into bladder. The photosensitizer forms reactive oxygen species through oxygen and kills tumor cells. Clinical practice has proved that PDT has its unique advantages for superficial and recurrent bladder tumors. As the first generation photosensitizer, xipofen also has selectivity in the treatment of bladder cancer.