Applying the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model is indispensable in creating new economic growth points in the public service sector. However, there is still a lack of research on mapping the application of the PPP model in the new era and context. Therefore, based on reviewing the characteristics and development concepts of the PPP model, this paper uses CiteSpace software to analyze the sample authors, journals, and regions in the Scopus database. This paper aims to explore the current development status, research paradigms, and research gap as well as future trends of the PPP model. The results show that (1) The focus of PPP research has shifted from traditional models such as Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) to contemporary themes such as risk management, policy analysis, and project governance. Subsequent research (2014–2018) has emphasized the importance of governance and regulatory frameworks to improve PPP outcomes. (2) The growing academic interest in PPP development in China accounts for 28.78% of the total publications. This surge reflects China’s rapid economic growth and highlights the interplay between government regulation and private financing. Key research themes include risk management, performance evaluation, contractual flexibility, and financing mechanisms, particularly concerning the BOT model. (3) Effective risk management, relationship dynamics, and innovative financing strategies are key components of a strong PPP knowledge framework. Collaborative risk sharing and strong relationships between public and private entities are key to project success, and strategic financing partnerships are necessary to cope with the complexity of large infrastructure projects.
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