Editorial Team

Honorary Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Pooya Lotfabadi

Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey

Interests: Constructions; Renewable energies; Solar architecture


Paolo Beccarelli

The University of Nottingham, U.K.

Interests: New digital tools for temporary lightweight structure design


Rocio Maira Vidal

Spanish National Research Council, Spain

Interests: Surveying; Photogrammetry; Architectural history

Associate Editors

Prof. S. Ravi

Anna University, India

Interests: Material bonding

Ali Niousha

KAYSON Inc, University of Science and Culture, Iran

Interests: Structural health monitoring; Structural vibration

Afet Celiker

Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey

Interests: Structural health monitoring

Xianlong Jiang

Shengyuan Group Co., Ltd., China

Interests: Building

Hui Sun

Xinjiang Junlong Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd., China

Interests: Modern architecture

Editorial Board Member

Pagliano Alessandra

Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy

Interests: Geometry; Modern architecture

Prof. Kanika Bansal

Chitkara School of Planning and Architecture, Chitkara University, India

Interests: Architecture

Antonio Formisano

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Interests: Structural engineering; Seismic consolidation

Dr. Seyedehaida Mirniazmandan

University of Tehran, Iran

Interests: New construction technology; Parametric design

Aleksandar Andjelkovic

University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Interests: Mechanical engineering

Ran Chi

Shanghai Shuiyuandi Constructi&Development Co., Ltd., China

Interests:Environmental microorganism, Ecological restoration,Microecology

Prof. Jingjing Sun

Chongqing Energy College, China

Interests: Construction project management

Prof. Kanika Bansal

Chitkara School Of Planning And Architecture, Chitkara University, Punjab, India

Interests: Heritage conservation; Sustainability; Urban design & development; Disaster risk management; Architectural education; Stakeholders perception

Ping Xiang

School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China

Interests: Dynamics of coupling system of high-speed railway rail-rail bridge; Traffic safety of high-speed railway bridge under earthquake; Finite element method of computational mechanics; Meshless method of computational mechanics; Prefabricated building; Composite structure; Computational micro- and nanomechanics and biomechanics

Ping Zhu

College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, China

Interests: Meshless method; Near-field dynamics; Isogeometric analysis method; Machine learning algorithm; Steel-ultra-high performance concrete composite bridge; Multi-scale hybrid fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete; Composite material structure design

Meihe Chen

China Three Gorges Corporation, Shanghai Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., China

Interests: Stainless steel structure; Steel structure; Cold-formed thin-walled structure; Cable structure; Offshore wind power; Photovoltaic

Shixian Shen

China Academy of Art, China

Interests: Ecological planning; Regional landscape planning and design; Landscape architecture; Rural landscape and design; Southern Song Dynasty gardens; Jiangnan gardens

Tianqi Yao

Sinopec Engineering Incorporation, China

Interests: Steel structure; Concrete; Energy structure; Structure engineering; Civil engineering

Yiyu Zhu

Shanghai Hua Du Architecture and Urban Design Group (HDD), China

Interests: Urban and rural planning and design; Landscape design; Project management; Urban renewal design

Xu Dong

Department of Economics and Management, Hebei University of Environmental Engineering, China

Interests: Refrigeration and cryogenic engineering; Building environment and energy application engineering; Power engineering and engineering thermophysics; Industry-university-research cooperation; Project management