Analysis of Roadbed Pavement Designs for Highway Reconstruction and Upgrading
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Highway engineering
Reconstruction and upgrading design
Route design
Roadbed and pavement design



Submitted : 2024-05-20
Accepted : 2024-06-04
Published : 2024-06-19


This paper focuses on the route and roadbed pavement design in highway reconstruction and upgrading projects. It discusses the importance of project design for highway reconstruction and upgrading, highlighting key aspects of route design and roadbed pavement design. The analysis reveals that the main design considerations in these projects include controlling factors of route reconstruction, expansion, and upgrading, as well as route plan design and longitudinal section design combined with roadbed pavement. In roadbed pavement design, it is crucial for designers to thoroughly collect existing data and make reasonable use of the current roadbed and pavement to develop a comprehensive design scheme. This analysis aims to provide a reference for the reasonable design of such projects.


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