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[4] Kamal, M.M, (2006), IT Innovation Adoption in the Government Sector: Identifying the Critical Success Factors , Journal of Enterprise Information Management ,19(2):192-222
[5] Guynor, G.H., (1996), Handbook of Technology Management, Mcgraw-Hill Higher education, USA
[6] Tangkar, M. and Arditi, D., (2000), Innovation in the Construction Industry, Dimensi Teknik Sipil, September, 2(2):96-103.
[7] Winch, G. (1998), Zephyrs of Creative Destruction: Understanding the Management of Innovation in Construction, Building Research and Information, 26(4):268-279.
[8] Emmitt, S. and Yeomans D. T.,(2008), Specifiying buildings: a Design Management Perspective, Elsevier LTD, USA. Construction and Architectural Management, 11(5):301-315.
[9] Hartman, A.A.; Dewulf, G.P.M.R.and Reymen, I.M.M.J., (2006), Understanding the Innovation Adoption Process of Construction Clients , Second International Conference of the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Construction Innovation: Clients Driving Innovation: Moving Ideas into Practice, March, 12-14.
[10] Slaughter, E.S., (1993), “ Builders as sources of construction innovation”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 119(3), 532-549.
[11] Sexton,M., Barrett, P. and Aouad, G., (2006), Motivating small construction companies to Adopt New Technology , Building Research&Information, 34(1):11-22.
[12] Karaçar, E.P., (2010), “Yapı Ürünleri için Teknolojik Yenilik Benimseme Modeli” (Adoption Model of Technological Innovation For Construction Products), Doktoral thesis, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
[13] Feldman, C. G., (1998), The Practical Guide to Business Process Reengineering Using IDEF0, Dorset House Publishing, New York.
[14] Blair, D. C., (2002), “Knowledge Management: Hype, Hope or Help?”,Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, LIII(12) :1019-1028.
[15] Davenport, T. ve L. Prusak, (2001), ĠĢ Dünyasında Bilgi Yönetimi, Rota Yayın Yapım Tanıtım Tic. Ltd. Şti. , İstanbul
[16] Ilter, A.T. (2016) “Innovation Enablers: A Review of Turkish Contractors’ collaborative activities and sources of information”, Organization, Technology & Management in Construction, 8(1): 1397-1404.
[17] Twiss B., (1992), Managing technological innovation, Pitman publishing, Great Britain.
[18] Rekabet Kurumu, “Rekabet el kitabı”
[19]Gençer, M., (2007), “Bilişim ve Kurumsal Zeka”
[20] “SWOT Analizi nedir?” (2005),
[21] Sağır, C., (2006), “Karar Verme Sürecini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Karar Verme Sürecinde Etiğin Önemi: uygulamalı bir araştırma”, Y.lisans tezi, Trakya Üniversitesi Soysal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Edirne.
[22] Karakütük, K., Aksoy, H.H. ve Aksoy, C., (1994), “Eğitim Yönetiminde Değerlendirme Süreci”, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt:27, Sayı:1, Ankara.
[23] Balanlı, A., (1997), Yapıda Ürün Seçimi, YÜMFED Yayınları, İstanbul.
[24] “Kaynak Tahsisi nedir”, Kaynak-tahsisi- (allocation-of-resources)

[25] Ling, F.Y.Y., (2003), “Managing the Implementation of Construction Innovations” Construction Management and Economics, 21, 635-649.

[26] Dergi Sayi=360&RecID=2024.
[27] Tosun, K., (1987), İşletme Yönetimi, İstanbul Ün. Yayınları, İstanbul." />



Submitted : 2020-12-01
Accepted : 2020-12-16
Published : 2020-12-31



The construction sector is in need of further self-development due to recent innovations in technology. This is because the environmental problems which have been handled seriously all over the world in recent years, and studies related to the way of creating requirements and measures for healthy construction environments have been emphasized. For adoption of new technological construction products in that sector; a system which will encompass designers, contractors and users is required. For selection and widespread use of new technological products, the decision-making is not only sufficient but also cultural and socio-economic factors and conditions are gaining in importance.

For the implementation and control of the new construction product assigned, a process of testing is required. The process of testing should be structured by allowing the use of new technological products in a system of continuous self-improvement by preventing the usage without change for a substantial amount of time. All of these processes have been examined within the scope of the doctoral thesis in model, which was developed for the adoption of technological innovation. In this study, the aim is to contribute to the creation of an appropriate adoption roadmap for constant self-renewal and self-improvement of construction environments, which are sensitive to the environment.


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Kamal, M.M, (2006), IT Innovation Adoption in the Government Sector: Identifying the Critical Success Factors , Journal of Enterprise Information Management ,19(2):192-222

Guynor, G.H., (1996), Handbook of Technology Management, Mcgraw-Hill Higher education, USA

Tangkar, M. and Arditi, D., (2000), Innovation in the Construction Industry, Dimensi Teknik Sipil, September, 2(2):96-103.

Winch, G. (1998), Zephyrs of Creative Destruction: Understanding the Management of Innovation in Construction, Building Research and Information, 26(4):268-279.

Emmitt, S. and Yeomans D. T.,(2008), Specifiying buildings: a Design Management Perspective, Elsevier LTD, USA. Construction and Architectural Management, 11(5):301-315.

Hartman, A.A.; Dewulf, G.P.M.R.and Reymen, I.M.M.J., (2006), Understanding the Innovation Adoption Process of Construction Clients , Second International Conference of the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Construction Innovation: Clients Driving Innovation: Moving Ideas into Practice, March, 12-14.

Slaughter, E.S., (1993), “ Builders as sources of construction innovationâ€, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 119(3), 532-549.

Sexton,M., Barrett, P. and Aouad, G., (2006), Motivating small construction companies to Adopt New Technology , Building Research&Information, 34(1):11-22.

Karaçar, E.P., (2010), “Yapı Ürünleri için Teknolojik Yenilik Benimseme Modeli†(Adoption Model of Technological Innovation For Construction Products), Doktoral thesis, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.

Feldman, C. G., (1998), The Practical Guide to Business Process Reengineering Using IDEF0, Dorset House Publishing, New York.

Blair, D. C., (2002), “Knowledge Management: Hype, Hope or Help?â€,Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, LIII(12) :1019-1028.

Davenport, T. ve L. Prusak, (2001), Ä Ä¢ Dünyasında Bilgi Yönetimi, Rota Yayın Yapım Tanıtım Tic. Ltd. Åžti. , Ä°stanbul

Ilter, A.T. (2016) “Innovation Enablers: A Review of Turkish Contractors’ collaborative activities and sources of informationâ€, Organization, Technology & Management in Construction, 8(1): 1397-1404.

Twiss B., (1992), Managing technological innovation, Pitman publishing, Great Britain.

Rekabet Kurumu, “Rekabet el kitabı†

Gençer, M., (2007), “Bilişim ve Kurumsal Zeka†

“SWOT Analizi nedir?†(2005),

Sağır, C., (2006), “Karar Verme Sürecini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Karar Verme Sürecinde EtiÄŸin Önemi: uygulamalı bir araÅŸtırmaâ€, Y.lisans tezi, Trakya Ãœniversitesi Soysal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Edirne.

Karakütük, K., Aksoy, H.H. ve Aksoy, C., (1994), “EÄŸitim Yönetiminde DeÄŸerlendirme Süreciâ€, Ankara Ãœniversitesi EÄŸitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt:27, Sayı:1, Ankara.

Balanlı, A., (1997), Yapıda Ürün Seçimi, YÜMFED Yayınları, İstanbul.

“Kaynak Tahsisi nedirâ€, Kaynak-tahsisi- (allocation-of-resources)

Ling, F.Y.Y., (2003), “Managing the Implementation of Construction Innovations†Construction Management and Economics, 21, 635-649. Dergi Sayi=360&RecID=2024.

Tosun, K., (1987), İşletme Yönetimi, İstanbul Ün. Yayınları, İstanbul.